Research Network

The Lifia Research Network performs research into new models of healthcare delivery for populations experiencing serious health disparities.
An assessment instrument currently under development to predict the areas and degree of support that will likely help individuals adhere to medication treatment plans.
The scale’s sub-scores are one set of indicators used to select the type of support or interventions that will be most helpful; such as physical, social, financial supports or transportation and reminders.
Social Support Network
Creation of an online social support platform to provide people with chronic illnesses with easy access to a trusted, private online space for social supports. The research leverages a person-centered, participatory design process and is creating a social support platform attuned to the needs of this population.
The SmartCare Institute
Health care expenses cause the most personal bankruptcies in the US. People are choosing between eating and life-saving medications. Physicians are burned out. It is time to fix the US health care system!
The SmartCare Institute researches policy alternatives regarding the impact of changes to improve the health and well-being of Americans. Its primary mission is to analyze the economics around policies for the SmartCare Amendment, a new US Constitutional Amendment to improve health care that is crafted to create a truly competitive market (real choice!) with health insurance, tax, privacy, and other policy changes to improve our health and well-being.
The SmartCare Amendment would establish the following five major rights in the US Constitution:
1. Health standards, including health insurance regulations, health service delivery, and transparent pricing practices.
2. New tax policies to create more fair and competitive health insurance markets.
3. Data privacy, protecting against web/phone, Big Data, and Internet of Things surveillance/tracking.
4. People Votes that give us the right to petition and hold national referendums on health insurance policies.
5. Limits on lobbying by former officials and campaign funding from special interest groups.
Click here to learn more about the SmartCare Amendment and send us your comments.